Commercial License
Commercial License
Looking to sell items crafted from Midinette Cottage patterns? These digital licenses give you the freedom to sell your handmade creations at any price you choose, with no commission on sales. They are intended for small-scale, artisanal activity only, not for mass production
You can purchase licenses in packs of 50 or 100. Once your license is purchased, you’ll receive a PDF document granting you the authorization to market and promote your creations, whether on social media or your website. The 50-item license allows you to sell up to 50 creations made from any Midinette Cottage pattern. It becomes active from the date of purchase and remains valid until you've sold the 50 items. After that, you'll need to renew the license if you'd like to continue selling.
Feel free to share your beautiful creations with the world using #midinettecottage